This is a draft of the report being created by the OMAuto Incubator Group at OMA. Feel free to edit this report if you have something of value to contribute.

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1.     Scope

1.1          OMAuto Goal

Enable a path for automakers and operators to encourage communications interoperability across automotive and wireless industries.

1.2          Deliverables

Medium = technical report with a set of agreed recommendations to drive future standardization work (25-50 pages)


2.     References 



Title, Document Number, Publisher, URL

3.     Terminology and Conventions

3.1          Conventions

This is an informative document, which is not intended to provide testable requirements to implementations.

3.2          Definitions 




3.3     Abbreviations



Open Mobile Alliance 

4.     Introduction

4.1          Observed Problem

4.2          Hot Projects in Open Automotive

5.     Automotive Opportunity

5.1          DM

5.2          Device APIs in Automotive

The goal is to have to user can access and share information with anyone, anywhere. The problem today is Mobile apps, self-contained (lock off their data) from the wider internet. User information is effectively walled off from the rest of the Internet - they keep you in their world.

5.2.1          OMA Enablers: Example of possible work for Automotive

We need to find the synergy between what is happening in Mobile application (e.g. driver safety, etc.), IoT, etc. with the evolving technology in the car environment.  OMA device APIs: Web-based application, for example,  an application in the car that have access to the car information and external sensors, driver vital signs (including your heartbeat, breathing rate, temperature, and blood pressure, etc).

Overview: Various External Devices Work with GotAPI and Applications
(Web app case)

GotAPI Architecture

5.1.1          Example of RVI and OMA Devices APIs

The RVI will have two roles with respect to GotAPI server. These are: Plug-in and App Client.  We think these two roles will support both 3rd party Web Applications in the car that have access to external devices and car data through its internal device APIs. In the second role, RVI as defined will support external devices by interacting with GotAPI server (Device API).

From implementation point of view, if you support one, you can support the second.

In use Case A, we are leveraging the existing work done in OMA (GotAPI V1.1 and DWAPI*) that is championed by NTT DoCoMo, KDDI, etc.


Use case A

Any 3rd party Web developers can access the RVI data and external device data through GotAPI/Device API. Ex: Auto Driving Lessons Coach.

3rd party App in this use case does not need to implement RVI.

Use Case A

Use Case B

External devices supplying data to RVI. Ex: RVI exposing access to home lighting system.